The Superannuation comparison tool, YourSuper, has been updated. The tool helps individuals compare MySuper products and choose a super fund that meets their needs.
YouSuper ranks the performance of these products by fees and net returns.
Each year, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (‘APRA’) assesses the performance of each MySuper product, and this information is displayed in the comparison tool.
Updated information for the 2022/23 year is now available.
The comparison tool provides one of the following results for each MySuper product:
- Performing – the product has met or exceeded the performance test benchmark
- Underperforming – the product has not met the performance test benchmark
- Not assessed – the product had less than five years of performance history and has not been rated by APRA
Individuals who are members of underperforming MySuper products will receive correspondence to notify them of the underperforming status.
Individuals can access a personalised version of the tool which allows them to view and compare their existing MySuper products by doing the following:
- Log in to ATO online services through myGov
- Go to the ‘Super’ drop-down menu and select ‘Information’, then select ‘YourSuper comparison’
To access a non-personalised version of the tool (without logging into myGov), click here
Robinson Voss Partners provides professional support for clients and trustees, offering specialist knowledge and services for superannuation fund administration and tax advice, and we welcome you to contact us to find out more. Phone our team on 03 9708 8801 or email for further information.
Please Note: Many of the comments in this publication are general in nature and anyone intending to apply the information to practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances.
The information contained within this document is of a general nature only and neither represents nor is intended to be personal advice on any particular matter. Robinson Voss Partners (RV Partners) strongly suggests that no person should act specifically on the basis of the information in this document, but should obtain appropriate professional advice based on their own personal circumstances.