The ATO has announced areas of focus for small business tax returns will include deductions that are not related to business operations, omission of business income and insufficient record keeping practices.
The ATO focus for the 2021-22 year include:
- Deductions that are private in nature and not related to business income, as well as overclaiming of business expenses (especially for taxpayers running a home-based business).
- Omission of business income (e.g., income from the sharing economy or new business ventures).
- Record keeping – including insufficient or non-existent records that are needed to substantiate claims.
The ATO acknowledges that it has been a tough couple of years for many small business owners and encourages taxpayers to act early to find a solution if they are getting behind in their tax obligations, either by contacting their tax agent or the ATO.
If you are concerned or have any questions in relation to your 2021-22 business tax return, please contact our team on 03 9708 8801 or email for further information.
Please Note: Many of the comments in this publication are general in nature and anyone intending to apply the information to practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances. The information contained within this document is of a general nature only and neither represents nor is intended to be personal advice on any particular matter. Robinson Voss Partners (RV Partners) strongly suggests that no person should act specifically on the basis of the information in this document, but should obtain appropriate professional advice based on their own personal circumstances.